Blog 70...whoa!



Obscure - Shura Aviator Hat (Black)Goggles-Red & QuanSys Gas Mask: Obscure / Thrift Store

KALINA. Scary Eyes Bloody Red: KALINA / TTS

Speakeasy :: Dia de los Muertos face paint & We're All Infected tatoo:  Speakeasy  / Bloody Horror Fair (15th Oct).

[FD@lvlUp]TATTOO Bite, Bruised+Ripped: FD / Level Up.

/h/Twilight Cuffs Black: /h/

7mad;Ravens Punked Out-V2 Jeans & wallet:7mad;Ravens /  Thrift Store

[SWaGGa]Zombie Chewer harness and knife: [SWaGGa] / Level Up.

.DirtyStories. lil Angel Wings: .DirtyStories. /Suicide Dollz

-DRD- geekmania: gamedevice, keyboard & pouchbelt: -DRD_/ The Arcade 

Pose: Del May



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