Blog 195

We're all stars now, in the Freak show!

Deco by my bro Mickey Valentino.


[BURLEY]_Joe_Sampler hair:Burley

[CX] Wendigo Horns (Seed of Inspiration):[CX]/Garden Gacha

Lovely Disarray - Haunted Souls : Complete:Lovely Disarrray MP

antielle. Demon Ink:antielle.

[CX] Bloody Tongue:[CX]

[CX] Fur Stole(Black):[CX]/Uber

:(SH): DeathStare - Eyepatch::(SH):/Suicide Dollz

**UrbanStreet**HalloNeck-Black-UltraRare & tattoo:UrbanStreet/Suicide Dollz

::TI:: Chained Collar- Black/ Silver:Tabou Irresistible /Kinky Monthly

::TI:: Freak Claws - Bloody Rare:Tabou Irresistible /Freak Show

[CX]  Heretic's Restraints -(Untainted)& Spine Fragments- Silver:[CX]

::GB::Ripped pants(TMP)_black & wide braid boots_black:::GB::/Men Only Monthly

*Eternal Dream* Freak Show 02 pose:*Eternal Dream*/Freak Show

::TI:: Black Magic Recipe - RARE & Pearly Pumpkin - Black:Tabou Irresistible /Wayward Halloween

DRD MM haunted piano:DRD/


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